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Aeroflow Health Rallies To Bring #HopeAfterHelene To Western North Carolina

Written by Joy Payne, Senior Content Coordinator at Aeroflow Health

As we navigate the difficult aftermath of Hurricane Helene, we are reminded of the strength and compassion that unites us, not just as a company but as a community. The devastation that has impacted Western North Carolina has been profound, but the response from our team members has been nothing short of inspiring.  

At Aeroflow Health, we have always prided ourselves on fostering a culture of empathy, integrity, and unwavering support for our patients and partners. In these trying times, that commitment is being demonstrated daily by our incredible employees, many of whom are facing significant challenges in their personal lives. Despite power outages, water shortages, and disrupted living conditions, our team has shown resilience, ensuring that our patients continue to receive the vital medical supplies they depend on. 

Here’s a look into how Aeroflow Health is bringing #HopeAfterHelene our our employees, patients and community:

Our Employees 

Our employees are the heart of Aeroflow Health, and during this time of crisis, we wanted to make sure to support them just as they support our patients around the clock. In the aftermath of the storm, we were able to confirm that all 600 employees living in the Western North Carolina area were safe; however, 55 of them had lost their homes, cars, and food. Our teams have jumped to action to be able to meet the needs of these impacted employees. Here a few ways Aeroflow has sought to meet these needs:

  • Secured housing, food, and transportation at no cost for employees in affected areas, so no one has to worry about basic needs during this time.
  • Aeroflow-sponsored relief pay was offered to employees to alleviate the financial burden caused by the disaster.
  • Created an employee pantry stocked with essential resources, offering further relief to team members impacted by the storm.
  • Our remote employees stepped in to cover responsibilities for those who were unable to work, embodying our company’s commitment to teamwork and resilience.

Our Patients 

Our priority has always been to ensure that patients receive the care they need, no matter the circumstances. After Hurricane Helene, with the help of our warehouse crew working through the weekend, we rapidly restored our systems to continue providing essential medical supplies to those who depend on us. We also extended our support in the following ways:

  • Donations of incontinence products to Elevate Health and Swannanoa Valley Pelican Health and Rehab, facilities hit hard by the storm.
  • Delivery of incontinence products to hurricane victims in Ashe County, ensuring that essential care supplies reached those in dire need.
  • Manual breast pumps provided to community members affected by the disaster, ensuring new mothers could continue to care for their infants even amid the disruption.

Our Community 

While the recovery process is still underway, we are incredibly grateful for the hard work, determination, and sense of responsibility our team has displayed. Personal donations were made to the Asheville Police and Fairview Fire Department to support local first responders in need, some employees used ATV’s to deliver meals, and others led efforts to help secure and deliver insulin. There are countless stories that continue to stream in from our team, but here are a few we want to highlight:

Brianne Griffis, IBCLC, CLC, CD, CLSP, Bri Blackenbicker, RN, IBCLC, and several additional Aeroflow Breastpumps lactation providers, went above and beyond to support moms and babies in areas like Burnsville, Black Mountain, and Marshall, which were impacted by the storm. Whether traveling by horse, fire rescue, or on foot, they truly redefined the phrase “boots on the ground.” In partnership with the North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition, they visited sites to organize feeding supplies, conducted breastfeeding consultations, provided rapid-response infant feeding assessments, and educated mothers on safe cleaning of bottles and supplies following CDC guidelines for disaster preparedness.

These dedicated providers made house calls, ran donor breast milk deliveries (essential in power outages since the milk is only good for 24 hours), and offered vital support through welfare checks, assessments, and consultations. Working tirelessly until 7 p.m. each night, they trekked back home, often not arriving until 10 or 11 p.m., only to do it all again the next day.

At Aeroflow, we teach that our goal is to honor a parent’s intuition while offering education and support throughout the parenting journey. Even in the face of adversity, without power, water, or internet, Brianne and the team remained committed to meeting families where they were—offering safe feeding solutions no matter the obstacles.

Brianne says, “Western North Carolina and this deployment has forever changed my life. The devastation and things I saw will not have any words, but I want to highlight the beauty that came out of this. Twin preemies were supported, a 38 week mama could get set up and take a sigh of relief, a 2 week old could be weighed and assessed, just to name a few, families could feel support and resources and safety with safe cleaning supplies. We changed lives. The way this community not only came together but welcomed me and came around for any need was beautiful.”

Asheville resident and Managed Care Associate, Neeka Alami jumped to action to help bring #HopeAfterHelene to her local community. In less than a couple days, she was able to raise $12,650 so far to help buy relief supplies that she and her partner delivered to Fairview, Swannanoa, Candler and other impacted towns! 

 Neeka says, “The paradox of grief, unity, and love has been profound. After visiting Swannanoa’s wreckage, we saw a rainbow emerge from the wiped out neighborhoods. That moment felt symbolic of our hope to rebuild something even more beautiful together.”

Kiera Walsh, a Charleston, South Carolina employee, knew she had to step up and support moms and babies in need after Hurricane Helene’s destruction. Through a partnership with #OperationWashBox—a relief effort specifically focused on helping moms safely feed their babies in the aftermath of a disaster, she was able to raise $1,065+ to help buy essential items like bottle brushes, wipes, bleach, dish soap, washcloths, and detailed instructions for safely sanitizing feeding supplies even when basic utilities aren’t available.

Kiera says, “I personally delivered these supplies to the Burnsville Fire Department and Lilac Birth Center. Getting boots on the ground was the only way to make sure these donations went directly into the hands of the moms and families who need them most. It’s been incredible to see the community rally together, but there’s still more work to be done.”

Want To Help Support Western North Carolina?

At Aeroflow, we believe that the true measure of a company is found in how we respond in times of adversity, and our employees, community and patients have demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for empathy, resilience, and integrity. Casey Hite, CEO of Aeroflow Health said it well when he said, “Though the road ahead is long, we are confident that together, we will emerge stronger” in a recent interview with North Carolina Public Radio Station, WUNC

If you would like to partner with relief efforts in Western North Carolina, here are a few reputable organization to consider:

Thank you for your continued partnership and for standing with us as we support our team members and communities.

To read more #HopeAfterHelene stories and stay updated on Aeroflow’s response to Hurricane Helene, please follow our LinkedIn Company page.

Information provided on the Aeroflow Health blog is not intended as a substitute to medical advice or care. Aeroflow Health recommends consulting a doctor if you are experiencing medical issues or concerns.


It would be nice if every company had a team as friendly and wanting to help people as yours!
[Your rep] is the most compassionate person I have ever worked with… I’m so thankful… she’s doing what’s important.
I really appreciate all of your assistance and prompt service. It has really been a pleasure doing business with your company.

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