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The Undeniable Benefits Of Supporting Working Moms

Pregnant woman

Women are taking the workforce by storm and make up nearly 47% of all workers as they expand into more unconventional roles. 70% of those women are working moms that often struggle to maintain both their career and breastfeeding goals, due to the stigmas attached to mothers in the workplace. However, employers can relieve that stress by easily supporting their workings moms and often benefit with an ROI of 3:1 with resulting lowered healthcare costs, decreased turnover rates and increased productivity.


The Benefits Of Supporting Working Moms

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends for mothers to exclusively breastfeed their infants for six months, then to continue breastfeeding while gradually introducing food for up to a year. This is because breast milk naturally contains essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, making it the perfect baby food. It helps babies build immunity and protects them against viruses.

However, according to a recent survey working moms aren’t getting the necessary support to fulfill their breastfeeding goals. Out of nearly 1,000 expectant or breastfeeding mothers, many felt like their job could negatively impact their breastfeeding goals.

  • 63% of moms felt as if there is a stigma attached to breastfeeding moms at work.
  • 47% considered making a career change due to needing to breast pump at work.
  • 49% of mom worried that breastfeeding at work could impact their career.

By taking a few simple steps to create a lactation room and supporting working mothers’ breastfeeding journeys, there are exceptional benefits for families and employers.

Breastfeeding Benefits for Mom:

  • Many physically recover from giving birth at a quicker rate than mothers who don’t breastfeed.
  • Save up to $1,500 during the first year by not having to purchase formula.
  • Increases the ability to bond with their baby.
  • Lowers the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, certain types of breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Benefits For Baby:

  • Lowered risk of developing childhood obesity or leukemia.
  • Lowered risk for allergies, asthma, or SIDS.
  • Reduced risk of costly, common infections such as gastroenteritis, ear infections, respiratory infections, and intestinal infections by 50%.

Benefits For Employers:

Healthcare Savings:

One company benefited from annual savings of $240 thousand in reduced healthcare costs after implementing a supportive breastfeeding program.

Prescription pharmacy costs were reduced by 62%.

Program participants averaged the cost of $1,269 per newborn while nonparticipants average $3,415 per newborn.

Increased Productivity: 

Savings of $60k were generated due to a 77% reduction in lost work after implementing a lactation program.

Another company reduced its absenteeism rate from the national average of missing 9 days of work, due to caring for a sick infant, down to only 3 days.

Decreased Turnover Rate:

83% of employers reported feeling more positive about their workplace.

67% of workers wanted to stay with the company as their longtime employer.


Partnering With Aeroflow To Support Working Moms

Let us assist you in showing your moms that you care as an employer and empower them by assisting with the process of receiving a breast pump through insurance.

Once a mother is expecting, she can simply notify the HR department to receive her portable breast pump, which will help her express milk at work. Some employers provide two pumps, one for the mother to use at work and one at home, so they don’t have to tote them back and forth every day.

Also, as employers understand the different types of breast pumps available, they can better suit the needs of their moms by providing a hospital grade pump for preventative care if needed.

We will navigate insurance policies to ensure your moms receive the perfect pumps at little to no cost as you benefit from truly supported moms with cost savings and increased rates of engagement.

As a breast pump expert and advocate for breastfeeding rights and education, we can guide your lactation room design, provide in-service courses for education, and partner to create emails to go out to your new expectant mothers, assisting them with what to consider while they’re expecting.

Creating A Lactation Room

The process of implementing a supportive breastfeeding program doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. All you need is a few simple items to help your working moms feel comfortable and accepted.

Basics of the perfect breast pumping room include:

  • A private room with a locking door.
  • A comfortable chair.
  • Surface to place breast pumps and accessories.
  • Relaxing lighting and art on the walls.
  • Mini fridge for milk storage.
  • Microwave for pump sanitation.
  • Schedule for moms to work out their pumping times.
  • Access to electrical outlets.

In order to create a proper lactation policy, it’s important that you refer to the law in terms of providing reasonable break time for moms to express breast milk, as well as a private space for the purpose of breast pumping.

Be sure to put a swift end to any negativity overheard about mothers taking frequent breaks to pump during the day. Moms will need about 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours, depending on their pumping schedules.

A few general guidelines to consider include:

  • Allow employees to use the lactation room for up to one year after their infant’s birth.
  • Do not disturb breastfeeding employees while they’re using the lactation room.
  • Employees should make their managers aware of their pumping schedule.
  • Employees that use their lunch breaks or paid break times should be compensated as usual.
  • Supervisors and the HR department are obliged to communicate this policy.
  • All employees should support new moms. Do not tolerate comments, disturbance, or victimization.

Need help implementing a policy for your moms? Contact Aeroflow Healthcare!

Information provided on the Aeroflow Health blog is not intended as a substitute to medical advice or care. Aeroflow Health recommends consulting a doctor if you are experiencing medical issues or concerns.


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